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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 28, 2013 11:00am-1:01pm PDT

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4:00 p.m. eastern, only here on cnn. that's it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'll be back 5:00 p.m. eastern in "the situation room." ne newsroom continues right now with brooke baldwin. >> first the obama care website, and now spying on world leaders. if it's true that president obama didn't know about all these issues in his administration until they blow up, we're asking why the heck not. i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. four inmates on the run after an escape in the shower. verirginity for sale. the alleged saler, a mother. >> plus, julianne huff apologized for hthis costume, bt
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should there be outrage? >> and -- >> if you were in a bathtub, don't you think you would be psychotic. >> "blackfish" sparking a fiery debate across america on whether you should stop going to zoos, aquariums and seaworld. we begin with breaking news. i'm brooke baldwin. right now, a standoff under way at this theater, raleigh, nort carolina. we're told by our tv affiliate there that someone suspected of robbery may be inside. no word yet on what he or she robbed. the parking lot with the xemgz of a couple of patrol cars here, mostly empty. and police tell cnn no one else is believed to be in the theater. so once again, a standoff under way at a movie theater in raleigh, north carolina. updates as soon as we get them. also, more breaking news. we have just learned this.
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just now here, we have been reporting on these four inmates who escaped from a shower this trap door opening at the top of a shower at this oklahoma jail. want to go straight to george howell who is working this for us on the groungd in oklahoma. what's the news now, george? >> reporter: well, brooke, you know this search for four men considered armed and dangerous now reduced to a search for two men. we confirmed through the sheriff's office that brow wn brown and brown are captures, they're still looking for anthonyman ndonga and triston cheadle. there's a search throughout the county and state to find them, and as you mentioned, these four men managed to escape this detention center through that maintenance hatch. they were able to get through that and get to a room where the door was opened and they walked out. again, two men in custody.
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the search continues for two others, brooke. >> thank you. i want to bring in lynn berry with me now because now that we've got the news that two, is sounds like are epirehended, two are still on the lam, how did they pull this off? >> people are comparing to to the real life "shawshank redemption." you saw that hatch. it was in their jail cell shower. they unscrew it, climb up to this piping crawl space area, they actually kick down a cement wall, which sounds unbelievable in and tof itself, and they're then in a separate room. that door has a room that is completely unlocked. they completely walked out of the jail. in their orange jumsuits, and here's what's interesting, the guards there are not the ones who noticed them missing. >> because they didn't notice for a while, correct? >> they had somebody call in about 3:00 in the morning and saying i see four guys in orange jump suits walking by the
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courthouse. that obviously seemed strange. they did find the jumpsuits about two blocks away so they know they're wearing something different. they're getting help from relatives, so we know that two have been caught. two still on the lam, but they're looking through all abandoned cars and especially the relatives. they're going to have to get help. they have no resources. you go to who you know. >> they're awaiting transfer from what i rete to a transfer to a state prison. in the meantime, they're in a jail with an unlocked door. lots of questions here. in stories like these, it seem like these men we saw recently at a prison last week, they go to familiar territory, they try to get help from family members and it's the family members saying turn yourself in. >> doesn't that seem strange? why would there be an unlocked door, and george howell spoke to the sheriff a little earlier. here's what he had to say about that. >> by code, they said this has to be that way. for anybody in there got caught
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working there, anything, there's a lot of, you know, high pressure and gas. so they've got to be able to get out. it's just automatic, you have to go out. >> so it's a code issue because of the work that can be done in that area. and they say this was not any kind of malfunction. that they may investigate it, but this wasn't anything they're embarrassed about. it just happened to be these guys figured out how to get out of this jail. it seems extremely strange that in a detention center, it can be as easy as unhooking a maintenance hatch in a shower. >> two caught, two more to ghoe. lynn berry, thank you very much. also today, one accusation has rocked the world the president knew. this headline splashed across newspapers from germany to australia. one report claiming not only was the nsa tapping the private cell phone of the chancellor of germany, angela merkel, ever since 2010, but that president obama knew about it. the nsa hitting back, trashing the report with this statement,
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saying, general alexander did not discuss with president obama in 2010 this alleged foreign intelligence operation involving german chancellor merkel. nor has he ever discussed alleged operations involving chancellor merkel. newsroom reports claiming otherwise are simply not true. germany may be in the spotlight, but that's one of just 30 countries. u.s. allies saying they're furious at the alleged extent of nsa surveillance on their turf. today, the u.s. ambassador to spain was called in for a dressing down by the spanish foreign minister. a spanish newspaper publishing a shocking number, 60. 6-0 million phone calls of average citizens intercepted by the nsa in the past year alone. so joining me now, christiane amanpour, cnn's chief international correspondent and a professor at princeton
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university. christiane to you, first, because the big pushback coming from this unidentified source, the wall street journal, saying the president did not know the nsa was spying on foreign leaders, put a stop to it once he found out. let's take the president at his word. why didn't he know? >> look, i have absolutely zero idea about whether he knew whether he didn't, why he didn't, or what. what i do know is spying has been, you know, as old as diplomacy itself. it is part of accepted statecraft. it's not pleasant. they don't like it, but they all know it happens. i think the issue is the publics in europe were very upset. in germany, they're very upset. ever since the nsa leakage started with edward snowden months ago, they start eed to b very upset in germany, partly because of their history with the secret police, and partly because they thought this
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president would be different. they thought president obama would do some different in national security than president bush. that's colored their opinion. as former secretary of state madeleine albright has said, everybody does it, i was even bugged by the french when i was u.s. ambassador to the u.n. >> julian, should he have known if the nsa was tapping a personal cell phone of a world leader? >> certainly, the president doesn't know everything going on with the nsa, and we shouldn't expect that. but when you're talking about the surveillance of world leaders and an issue that's been controversial for a while now, you would expect that there's some knowledge, eerlth by the president or people surrounding him. he hasn't said much about the second part of that, but i do think they're surprised that this was off the radar in the inner circles of the white house. >> christiane, you point out spying, one of the world's oldest profeshzs. do you think these world leaders knowing what they know about spying, do you think they're
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genuinely upset, or is this feigned anger? >> i think they're upset and they're also playing to their publics. you know, before angela merkel, it was the president of brazil. she was very upset to know that her e-mails had been looked at. her personal e-mails and others. and as you know, cancelled a state visit to the united states. it's being, you know, reacted to in this way by many of the world leaders. there is an agreement called five eyes between the english speaking allies, the u.s., the uk, canada, australia, new zealand, to share intelligence and not to spy on each other, but others fall outside that parameter, and generally, it's assumed that everybody knows this is happening. now, the fallout, though, is pretty difficult to judge and to gauge. but certainly, it's having an impact on u.s. foreign policy, on the way it talks and discusses and not only that, collects information, and it's also having an impact in the
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fact that, you know, lots of people in europe, especially leaders, are not cutting the u.s. as much slack as they might have done in the past. partly, they're saying, because the u.s. under the obama administration, is backing off a lot of the burden sharing, a lot of the heavy lifting that traditionally the u.s. has done in support of its allies over the past. >> because of the fallout, bought of the anger amongst the world leaders, julian, do you think someone's head should roll over this? >> well, we're going to see what the administration does. i think two things to remember. president obama himself raised a lot of the expectations about the differences with how he would conduct national security operations and those resonated both here and around the world. so it might be that in the end, he tries to blame someone. he himself now by -- with this report coming out that he ordered this to stop, it's something of an admission this shouldn't be business as usual. and the second thing is, this is
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a surveillance that's very different than people were used to in previous years because of e-mail and internet spying. so i think the president is going to do something. and i do think he's feeling that the political fallout is significant. >> christiane and julian, my thanks to both of you so much today. coming up here, this mother of 14 children is accused of selling the virginities of her own daughters. we're going to talk about that. plus, should you boycott zoos, aquariums, seaworld? "blackfish" sure did spark a huge debate across america. and right now, two are caught, two are on the loose. inmates after an escape in the jail's shower. we'll have an update on that story coming up. motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult.
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now to the backlash over "blackfish" the cnn film just recently aired several times here about what happens to some killer whales trained in captivity. this film profiles several former trainers including one who will not bring their children to see world shows, and it has many of you thinking, you know, should parents take their children to see these animal shows, take them to these parks? one of our cnni reporters, a faurkt of two boys, says no. >> it's not fair to these animals that we're kidnapped frm nature, training animals to jump and do things for treats. that's not natural. imprisoning them for life, it's not fair. >> that's just one of many i reports we have received. martin savidge has been watching
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and tracking the reaction to "blackfish" in seaworld's defense of its programs. take a look. >> the cnn film "blackfish" is taking social media by storm. on facebook and twitter, thousands debate the ethics of keeping animals in captivity at aquariums and theme parks. many say their were stunned that this allegation of mistreatment may have led to deadly consequences for trainers. after watching this documentary, i can never be happy at seaworld again, said one. and another says heartbreaking to watch the whales in captivity. how can someone think this is okay? but it's not just the internet. >> it's not fair to the animal that they have to be taken out of their natural environment so we can be able to see them and learn about them. >> they're really big fish, usually kept in small quarters. doesn't seem right. >> it tells the story of a veteran seaworld trainer dragged into the water and drown by a
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killer whale she was working with in 2010. >> the whale lanchs onto her and took her under. >> now former trainers believe killer whales should be released back into the wild or retired to sea pens. why do you think they're still in captivity? >> well, there's dollars to be made. and you know, big draw for these facilities that have them. >> it's a business. >> it's a business. >> seaworld declined our request for an interview, but did provide a statement, saying in part, the film fails to mention seaworld's commitment to the safety of its team members and guests and to the care and welfare of its animals, as demonstrated by the company's continual refinement and improvement toiliti its killer facilities, equipment, and procedures. seaworld brings in about $1.5 billion a year. and supporters say millions of visitors are not just entertained but educated and inspired. >> people are having less and less daily encounter with
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animals, and so these kinds of exhibits are teaching people about the wild. if people don't know animals, they won't care about them. >> and martin savidge joins me now. i just wrote down the tweet from your piece. can can never be happy at seaworld again. talk about a film that has illicited su eed such a strong e from people. is that the bigger camp or are others really defending seaworld? >> on social media, this story is on fire. i would say 99% are critical of s seaworld, but keep in mind, many of those speaking out are animal activists and social media tends to be used more by younger people. thereby, it isn't a direct measure of what america is thinking, but right now, a lot of people online don't like this idea of killer whales in captivity. >> what about the business of seaworld itself? too early to tell? >> it is right now because it's just too soon. i think already we know that seaworld had been seeing lower
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attendance figures this year. they blame in part bad weather at the beginning of the year, and they also say the ticket prices weblt out. i guess we'll have to look for is what the third quarter report. and that's in about two weeks. >> to see if this film has any affect on the bottom line. thank you very much. coming up here, we're about 100 days away from the winter olympics in sochi, russia, and today, russian president vladimir putin is clarifying comments he made about gay people visiting russia. you'll hear what he has now suddenly said. coming up next, penn state anountsing a major payout for the victims of jerry sandusky. the school putting a number on the amount it will pay 26 victims of sexual abuse. that story after this quick break. weekdays are for rising to the challenge. they're the days to take care of business. when possibilities become reality. with centurylink as your trusted partner, our visionary cloud infrastructure
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just in to us here at cnn, penn state university officials telling cnn they have now reached a settlement with 26 of jerry sandusky's victims, so the school has agreed to pay $59.7 million to these victims, that comes to just about $2.2 million apiece. sandusky is the former penn state assistant football coach convicted last year of 45 counts relating to sexual abuse of children. also just in, an outage on the obama care website has been resolved and we're told the application and enrollment tools are back up and running. the system crashed sunday when a data center operated by a verizon subsidiary shut down. that left consumers unable to
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apply online for coverage or determine their eligibility for federal subsidies. this outage is just the latest issue to hit the troubled website since a disappointing debut back on the 1st of october. some users have been unable to create accounts or sign up for coverage. coming up, a tough one. $200, that's how much police say this mother charged for the virginities of her daughters. find out who these buyers were and what happened to mom. plus, as russia gets closer to hosting the olympics, a surprising remark by vladimir putin about gays at the games. >> first, this seasons nascar driver, denny hamlin struggled his way back into competition after suffering a back injury. off the track, he's fighting for a cystic fibrosis cure in this
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impact your world. >> hi, i'm denny hamlin. we can make an impact on finding a cure for cystic fibrosis. cystic fibrosis is a respiratory disease that affects breathing, the lungs don't function the way they should. and eventually, you'll need a lung transplant. my first experience with someone with cystic fibbrosis was my cousin. i never understood why he had to take so much medicine every single day until i got a little older, did i realize he had a disease that there was no cure for. we started the denny hamlin foundation doing different events and the track showdown and grown the foundation over the last few years and contributed to cystic fibrosis as well as a lot of childrens hospitals in the richmond area. we hope that, you know, cf is something that people will recognize with cystic fibrosis, but eventually, we hope cf means cure found.
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here's a quote for you. gay people are welcome. that statement coming out of russia today. really a bombshell when you consider that russian law earlier this year condemned, quote, homosehomosexual propaga children. it sparked worldwide protests and threats from athletes to boycott next year's winter games in sochi. well, now president vladimir putin has a pledge most folks
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did not see coming. gay and lesbian athletes and visitors will be welcome. phil black is live for us in sochi, russia, and phil, why now? why the sudden change in stance? >> well, you're right, brooke. there has been a lot of anger over that law in this country which makes it illegal to tell chin that gay and straight relationships are equal. it's been branded diskr discriminatory. it's an attempt to cool down some of that international anger. there were even called to boycott the sochi games so he's going out of his way to allay some of the concerns. he made the comments to the president of the olympic committee. he was proper happy to hear him because the ioc has been trying to walk an uncomfortable line about voicing concern about discrimination and not offending russia about its sense of sovereignty, but i doubt gay
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activists, human rights activists are going to be satisfied because they're not just concerned about what the law would mean during the olympics. they're angry about the law's very existence and what it will mean before, during, and after for gay people. >> now 100 or so days to go. how are preparations going for the games? >> well, they've achieved a lot, built a lot. a pretty impressive sporting venues here that weren't there before, but there's still so much work to do. there's really aalist-minute building frenzy going on in this city because this city had a special challenge to get ready for next year's winter olympics. doesn't just to have build the sporting facilities. it was an old, run down soviet city, they're relaunching the city, building a whole lot of new infrastructure. there's a great deal of work still to de, but the expectation is to happen because with president putin, failure is not an option. >> phil black, thank you very much, in sochi.
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>> now to this story. 300,000 colombian pesos, approximately $160. that's what police say a mortgage charged men for the virginity of one of her young daughters. this mother of 14 was arrested this week along with a contractor who police believe impregnated one of the girls. police say she would begin selling her daughters to men as soon as the girls turned 12 years of age. that was the age for this girls, 12. and that she did it to make ends meet. the mother is strongly denying these allegations, but we have much more now from cnn's senior latin american affairs editor raphael romo. did you force your daughters into prostitution, a reporter a asked. no, my darling, the woman answered through tears. a 45-year-old mother of 14, who police say did the unthinkable, selling the virginity of 12 daughters. it was one of those daughters
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who reported the woman to colombian police. the girl is now 16, but police say her mother sold her to a man who she was 12. two years later, she gave birth to a son. >> translator: as soon as her daughters turned 12 years oldering this mother contacted men of means so that they would go to her house and there for anywhere between $160 and $210, she gave them her daughters so they would have sex with them. she would offer their virginity. >> a 51-year-old man was also arrestedzapata. they said he fathered the baby with the girl who rorthed her mother to the agency. this is a crime that according to colombian law is classified as rape of a 14-year-old. that's what the man faces. the woman, this mother, is facing charges of sexual exploy tashz and sexual trafficking for profit. >> in the neighborhood in bogota where the suspect and her
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children lived, residents expressed their disgust. >> this is something i never would have imagined. i still can't believe this case. this is one of those things in life that are unforgivable. >> an investigator saying some of the older daughters who were forced to drink alcohol and do drugs ended up working as prostitutes and can't be found, and listen to this. of the women's 14 children, three are in the custody of the child protective agencies, a 11-month-old boy and 9-year-old girld, as well as the 16-year-old who reported her mother to police. very, very sad. >> so it infuriates me. 14 kids, 12 were girls. all of whom were sold. their virginsity sold. the one girl who was not, she was too young, three years too young, not quite 12, but what about the johns? what about more arrests? >> that's the second part of the investigation. police told us they first wanted to target the mother to stop this from happening again, and
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now what they're doing is trying to find dozens, potentially more than 100 men who were paying to have sex specifically with underaged girls and also specifically the men who were for that part of the deal, to get the virginity and pay $160 to $200 for that. >> that's disgusting. thank you for shining a light on what's happening. coming up next, chris brown due in court any moment after being charged with felony assault. he's currently, keep in mind, on probation for punching his ex-girlfriend, rihanna. could these new allegations land him behind bars? we'll take you live outside the courthouse, next. ♪ wow...look at you. i've always tried to give it my best shot. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?"
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and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. an operator working a ride that malfunctions alt the north carolina state fair has been charged with multiple accounts of assault with a deadly wepp. he's accused of tampering with the machine after it had been inspected. he's now being held on $225,000 bond. and is expected in court at this hour. here's what happened. several people were riding this ride. it's called the fvortex, were comejured when the ride started to move when they were trying to get off. witnesses told operators the ride went upside down, dumped people out, nearly 20 feet worth of fall. investigators say several
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critical safety devices were tampered with and compromised. his lawyer said he's devastated over what happened but authorities, they're angry. >> it makes me mad to think that anybody would put people's safety in danger like they have. and i'm not mad, i'm furious. >> five people were injured and the company that owns the ride released a statement saying it has never before experienced an incident with any of its rides like this one. >> to our nation's capital we go. we're awaiting word concerning the fate of this guy, chris brown. r&b superstar. you see chris brown is flirting with prison. this youtube video here posted on this youtube page was shot some time saturday night hours before his arrest on a charge of felony assault. in case you have forgotten, brown is already on probation, and this could blow it for him. brian todd is outside that d.c. courthouse, and brian, has chris brown made his appearance yet?
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>> brooke, he has not appeared in court yet. there are several cases in front of him, and we're told that he could come up at any time. we do have a copy of the arrest record of the police report from late saturday night, early sunday morning. where the victim in this case said that essentially what happened was that he tried, the victim tried to get into a picture being taken with brown and a female fan. the victim says that brown said to him, quote, i'm not down with that gay expletive, and then, quote, i feel like boxing. and corg to the victim, on this police report, he said brown punched him in the face, and then that brown's body guard stepped in and punched him in the face. so that's, again, the account on the police report. from the victim in this case of what chris brown allegedly did. we have not heard, again, from brown or his attorneys yet. in the courtroom today, brooke, but that should come any minute. >> okay, so we'll wait for him any minute.
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let's say, brian, he makes bail. i'm going to bet there's a judge or some kind of probation officer in california who wants to talk to him, yes? >> that's right. because he is already on probation for the 2009 assault against the singer rihanna. he was given five years probation for that assault. and already twice this year, prosecutors in l.a. county have filed charges against him for violating that probation. and what we're told is that just about any legal trouble could get him back in jail. our legal analyst, danny, spoke to us about this just a moment ago. >> without question, the new arrest and potential new crime even without a conviction, can trigger a violation of that probation and the judge can, again, decide to send him to state prison for the duration of his probation. >> now, that could be for up to a year in jail for chris brown because he was sentenced to five years probation. that was four years ago. so that could be some serious
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jail time for the singer if in fact the l.a. county district attorney and l.a. county superior court judge decide to sentence him for that. the l.a. county d.a. is not commenting on this particular arrest in d.c., brooke. >> keep us posted on the goes-on inside that courthouse behind you. coming up, a california woman sentenced to life in prison for killing her pimp when she was only 16 years of age. now flash forward 20 years. that woman will be walking free. her incredible story is coming up. plus, we're just getting word that standoff we told you about at the top of the hour, that movie theater in north carolina. it's over. see how it ends. we have new video, just in. ame e and i quit smoking. chantix... it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. [ mike ] when i was taking the chantix, it reduced the urge to smoke. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation,
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got an update for you on the breaking news we brought you at the top of the show with regard to the movie theater standoff under way in raleigh, north carolina. we have the video just in to us at cnn, and you can see, it looks like folks on the top of the roof. in fact, this must be -- this is the second of these two suspects who were apprehended after this robbery attempt in an around this movie theater facility. this is rul raleigh, north caro. police telling us no one was injured. all is clear, the standoff is over. sarah was only 11 years old when she says a man sexually abused and groomed her to ultimately become a child prostitute. by the time she was 16, the man was her pimp until she shot him dead in 1994.
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she is now 35 years of age and she has been serving this life sentence without parole for that killing at a riverside, california, motel. her case became a cause celebre for campaigns against the practice of locking juveniles up for life. and now, the news is that she has been granted parole under a new state law. california governor jerry brown is about to set her free. sar sarah's impending release is renewing this discussion about juvenile defenders sentenced to life without parole. joining me now to discuss the legal implications of this is our cnn legal analyst, danny cevalos. why is california doing this? >> well, you have to go back to how the supreme court has treated these cases. they have been busy dealing with the issue of juvenile sentencing. the bottom line is
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constitutionally, children are different. that's what the supreme court said. it's chopped away, gotten rid of life without parole for nonhomicide cases and gotten rid of mandatory life without parole and outlawed the death penalty for juveniles. however, the court has been silent whether those rules apply retroactively. does it apply to juveniles sentenced before the skouruprem court dealt with the issue. because of that, different states have been allowed to arrive at different conclusions. california is one state that has introduced legislature to deal with the problem, to require that a child who has served 15 years, may have the case re-evaluated and possibly be eligible for release. >> with the 15 years, that's interesting because that is the issue in california. wait until 15 years at least, but some advocates are saying there are already more than 1,000 prisoners who under that could be set free under the law in california. >> absolutely. more than thousands and thousands nationwide. so the question becomes, is this
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legislative effort retroactive enough, i should say. does it go back and address all of the things that the supreme court said, essentially holding that children are constitutionally different, they're less culpable and less likely to commit crimes as they become older and more mature. this legislation does begin to address the issues addressed by the supreme court, but there are proponents who say they need to go further. >> we also know that governor brown, he signed another bill allowing parole boards to give special consideration to juveniles tried in cases, say the school shooting in nevada, massachusetts. i don't know whether the question is is that the right thing to do, but that seems complicated as well. >> well, neurlogically, the study of juvenile justice is really a study of neurology. at what age does a juvenile start to have responsibility in a way that we can charge them with a crime? the strange thing is because we
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cannot seem to agree, different states just choose different ages. and because states have that discretion under their police power to decide what acts will be criminal and what ages are the ages of juvenile understanding or culpability, you get this patchwork type law. it takes a ruling by the supreme court to make it universal, but until it does or until there's federal legislation, the states can and will have completely inconsistent theories of liability or they'll draw lines in the sands, and certain ages vary widely from state to state. >> it's a patchwork, a patch work in till the supreme court intervenes. coming up, just a short time ago, former vice president dick cheney talked to our own jake tapper and made some interesting comments on the spying of world leaders and the future of the republican party. jake will join me live. plus more on our breaking news out of oklahoma. two inmates now in custody. two others still on the run
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after an escape through the jail's shower. stay right here. the day we rescued riley, was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers. you can find it all on angie's list. join today. i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. [ inhales deeply ] maestro of project management. baron of the build-out. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above, and still pay the mid-size price. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow.
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friends, family, and students gathered this morning in danvers, massachusetts, to say good-bye to colleen ritzer. take a look. >> colleen ritzer was just 24
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years of age. she is remembered as a favorite teacher to so many students. for her smile, her positive attitude. she taught math at danvers high school, an aunt said she wanted to be a teacher her whole life. police say one of her students killed ritzer inside a bathroom last tuesday after school. a 14-year-old boy has been charged with murder. just a decade ago, jalen arnold became the youngest diagnosed case of tourette's syndrome, and today, he's leading the charge to put an end to bullying of students all across the country. here is today's human factor. >> i have tourette's syndrome, and i used to get bullied for that, a lot. >> cool, calm, confident. 13-year-old jalen arnold is on a mission to banish bullying for lrb all. >> i've felt the pain of being
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bullied, and i know i have been bullied bad, but i know there are over 100 kids that are being bullied, 100 times worse than i was. >> you see, jaylenhas tourette's syndrome. a neurological disorder that caused repetitive involuntary movement and sounds called tics. >> jaylen began ticking at the age of two. we went through several doctor appointments. pediatrician was like, oh, my goodness. i think this is classic tourette's case. and he was only diagnosed at 3 because in order to be diagnosed with tourette's they have to observe the behavior for one full year. >> his mom uploaded a video to youtube, hoping it would help children and parents alike better understand her son's disability. the video has racked up around 200,000 views. and it also captured the attention of actor dash mihawk,
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who is currently starring on showtime's hit series "ray donovan." >> it was a fighter. >> together, dash and jaylen captivate their audience to put a stop to bullying. >> i'm here because i have a young brother named jaylen arnold who reminds me of me as a kid. he has a message to bring to the world, and doing it at a age that i wish that i had had the bravery to step up and reach as many people as he does. >> and we came up with jaylen's challenge because i wanted to stand up and do something to make a difference. >> it hurts to think about how much torture and how miserable a kid's life can be just because of one person causing them to feel that their self-esteem and that they're worthless. >> bullying no way. >> dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting.
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first the obama care website, and now spying on world leaders. if it's true that president obama didn't know about all these issues in his administration until they blow up, we're asking, why the heck not? i'm brooke baldwin. the news is now. accident or crime? the operator of this state fair ride in court. accused of using the vortex as a deadly weapon. plus, julianne hough apologizes for this halloween co costume. should there eefrb bean out ven the first place. and i'll speak live with one of lou reed's best friends about the life of a rock legend.
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here we go, hour two. breaking news. i'm brooke baldwin. we can now tell you two oklahoma inmates on the run since early sunday morning have just been captured. two others who joined their escape are still missing. take a long look at these pictures here, folks. cnn has confirmed that two of the men, dylan three irons and prime brown are now in custody. they were rearrested about 20 minutes ago less than 20 miles from where they first escaped. how did they manage to break out of jail in the first place. they apparently broke through a hatch in a shower late saturday night, crawled through the ceiling, walked out of the jail undetected. i know it sounds like a movie plot. it is true. larry levine joins me now. he's a former federal inmate and the founder of wall street consultants. nice to see you again here. let's first begin with the fact that police or authorities caught up with two of the guys and caught them not too far from
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the jail. 20 miles. does it surprise you they didn't get that far? >> they have been on the run for a while, but they didn't have any clothes. they were wearing orange jump suits. maybe they stole the clothes from, i don't know, a clothes line. but i think this escape was an escape of opportunity. i don't think it was really planned. the jail is only two years old, so it's a brand new jail. and they went up through a roof hatch, and the jail knew that there was a possible escape element, and they were in the process of welding these hatches shut. and it's funny, i think that's how the inmates figured out that they'd be able to escape, is because they knew that the jailers were welding these shuts. they didn't know ahead of time that the element of escape even exi existed. i don't think it was planned at all. >> so you think they just somehow caught word that one particular hatch had yet to be welded, and i mean, they walked
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out of the prison. they walked out of there. and i'm just wondering because they did find their orange jumpsuits eventually, do you think they would have had help or do you think to your point, they would have just stolen cloets? >> i think they stole clothes. and as i said, an escape of opportunity. and they really would have had no way of knowing. i mean, these were mixed races, and this sell they were in, it wasn't a two-man cell. it was a dormitory type cell, and they had free access to the shower. the sheriff himself didn't even find out until, what, 2:30 in the morn, that these guys took off. so probably after the 10:00 count. probably after lights out, they knew the guards' schedule. they knew about when the guards were going to come by and count them again. that's when they made their escape. >> you have two guys still on the run, two of their buddies have been caught. i wonder if all four stayed
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together or not. what do you do? take me inside the mindset of the two that are still on the run. where do you go? what do you do? >> well, you know that you're being sought after. so the first thing you're going to do, yeah, you're going to dump the clothes. there's a huge manhunt on for them right now. so the area is flooded with law enforcement. your area of opportunity to escape is like really within the first hour. you want to get as far away from there as possible. and unless they have taken somebody hostage, maybe they're hiding out somewhere. and they have no money or resources, i mean, the sky is the limit. by now, somebody's gotten ahold of somebody. and probably friends, family members, or something. maybe somebody is covering for them, but these guys were just thrown together in a pod. you said, you know, their friends or something have been captured. when you hit a jail cell, you're really not there that long in a
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jail because you're going through the court process. i don't think these guys knew each other ahead of time, maybe a couple weeks. >> they knew each other long enough, i suppose, to hatch some kind of plan, maybe last-minute to get out of the jail, right? >> remember, this is oklahoma. there's a lot of racial segregation in the jail. and from what i can see from these inmates' photos, these are mixed races. and the mixed races don't necessarily hang out together. maybe one person said, you know what? they're welding these hatches closed. i think there's an issue. maybe we can get out of there, and the others joined along in the scam. i don't think all of them came up with this on their own. >> two down, two to go. larry levine, thank you so much. add spain to the list of u.s. allies angry at washington's eavesdropping. today, the spanish government summoned the u.s. ambassador to ask him about reports that the nsa collected 60 million spanish
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phone calls in a single 30-day period. a spanish government spokesperson is quoted at saying today that's not what friends do to friends. and to germany, lock at the papers here. headlines screaming about u.s. surveillance of their chancellor there, angela merkel. today, washington is denying one german report that the president actually knew merkel's phone was tapped. and white house spokesman jay carney said the u.s. is just keeping up with new technologies helping keep americans safe. >> if we're going to keep our citizens and our allies safe, we have to continue to stay ahead of these changes. that's what our intelligence community has been doing extraordinarily well. these capabilities are part of the reason we have been able to foil numerous terrorist plots and adapt to a post-9/11 security environment. want to take the story straight to our chief washington correspondent, host of "the lead," jake tapper. you talked to dick cheney.
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we know cheney was at the center of setting up this post-9/11 spying apparatus. what did he tell you about this? >> well, he was obviously not eager to talk in detail about these programs. and if you look at the documents that edward snowden leaked to various media outlets, it indicates that the surveillance program, some of them started as far back as 2002. i did ask vice president cheney about it because obviously, it was the story of day. if you listen to his comments behind his refusal to talk about it, he does provide some, at least in his mind, justification. >> all this news that the u.s. conducted surveillance on our own allies, some of the documents posted or leaked by edward snowden to the media indicate that these programs started in 2002. why spy on an ally? >> jake, if there were such a program, it would be classified and i couldn't talk about it. it would be totally
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inappropriate, and i haven't been in the loop for more than four years. so it's just one of those subjects i couldn't discuss. >> without getting specific, on a theoretical basis, what is the interest of the united states in conducting surveillance on a country or a leader who is a cloor ally of the united states? >> i've got to go with the answer i have given you. let me say this, we do have a fantastic intelligence capability worldwide against all kinds of potential issues and concerns. we are vulnerable, as was shown on 9/11. and you never know what you're going to need when you need it. the fact is we do collect a lot of intelligence. without speaking about any particular target or group of tarcts, that intelligence capability is enormously important to the united states, for our conduct of foreign policy, to defense matters, to economic matters. and i am a strong supporter of
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it. >> do you think the snowden leaks have hurt america's ability to defend itself? >> i do. i think he's a traitor. can hope we can catch him at some point and that he receives the justice he deserves. >> so brooke, there you have it. if you go underneath what the vice president said behind his reluctance to talk about specific programs, he did say we are vulnerable, as shown on 9/11. you never know what you're going to need when you need it. and that these programs allow the u.s. to conduct foreign policy as well as finding out information for defense matters and economic matters. that's basically the same defense that we hear from current members of the administration when it comes to these surveillance programs. you never know what you're going to need. the nation is vulnerable. this allows us to do our foreign policy. >> i appreciate your attempts to ask the question a couple different ways to get an answer out of the vice president. i know much more of this interview will be on "the lead."
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give us something else. we heard about this heart from sanjay recently. what else did you get ouf the former vice president. >> i did ask him a few heart-related questions that would not come from a medical doctor, such as how many times have you cheated death? that was one. we also talked about liz cheney, his daughter, running for senate in wyoming. she's challenging an incumbent republican senator. what is the reason for her cant december as apoiopposed to sena mike enzi, and also deficits. he's been critical of the obama administration when it comes to deficits and the national debt. but i pointed out that deficits and the national debt went up when bush and cheney were in office, and a lot people say the national debt is the size it is today because of many items from the bush/cheney years such as the bush/cheney tax cuts, the medicare prescription drug benefit and iraq and afghanistan. those wars not being quote/unquote paid for. i did ask him about that as well. >> we'll look for the interview,
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jake tapper thank you very much. the interview with former vice president at the top of the hour on "the lead." coming up next here, a major announcement from penn state university today. the school has agreed to sett settlements with vict26 victims the former assistant football coach, jerry sandusky. how much the school will be paying. >> plus, dangerous pirates, crews on secret tankers, and britney spears? you heard me right. you will not believe how all three are indeed connected. so you can feel free to add it to anything. and feel better about doing it. better it with benefiber. he was a matted messiley in a small cage. ng day. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found
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campus sense last week's deadly shooting. a 12-year-old student at sparks middle shot and killed a math teacher there. michael landsberry, who was also a veteran. landsberry had done two tours of duty in afghanistan as a member of the nevada national guard. in addition to that death, two students were wounded and ultimately the shooter took his own life. it was a sexual molestation scandal that absolutely brought down this college football power house. its legendary head coach, and tainted the reputation of a venerable state university. now a multimillion settlement has been reached with former victims of former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky. university officials announced the agreement just this afternoon. here's the deal, the school will pay out nearly $60 million in total. the terms include a release of all claims against penn state and other parties and are
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subject to confidentiality agriements. we go back to danny cevalos. here's what i want to know. i don't know if this is a judge, how you come up with putting a dollar amount on this for each and every one of these 26 victims. >> negotiations have been going on for some time. i imagine on the plaintiff's side, they made high demands, but they have been pretty private. we don't know where different parties were or why they took a certain amount of time, and penn state has specifically chosen to not announce deals as they're reached but all at once. it's hard to tell when and how and where negotiations went. but the dollar amount when it gets to dollar amount like these, there's a certain amount of intangible pain and suffering, what we call noneconomic type damages. and it's hard to put a number on that. the other thing that's difficult to put a number on is penn state happens to be what we call deep pockets. they're an institution that can
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pay. you can imagine in many other scenarios when this kind of abuse happens, that any responsible party simply does not have the funds to pay. it's really no surprise that it's a pretty high dollar amount. unfortunately for penn state, it is perceived as an entity with deep pockets. >> so with their deep pockets and paying out some $2 million per victim, then what does this mean for the university? >> well, the important thing to know about the funds will not come from tuition or donations. or state funds. they're going to use different funds. different revenues based on interest from loans made to certain departments, but i think that's the important thing for penn state to assure the members of its constituency, its students, that that's where the funds are coming from. but penn state, many would say, has already begun moving forward and moving forward quickly. their football program alone should be evidence of that. they have already returned to national prominence. >> then there's jerry sandusky.
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he has been locked away for a long, long time. he's doing 30 to 60 years behind bars. he recently lost his bid for a new trial. do you think this huge settlement, would this potentially stop him from ever trying again? >> no, he'll take his direct appeal, and i don't think the settlement will affect him. i can't imagine he's concerned on any level about the civil case. his primary concern was the motion for a new trial, and now it's the direct appeal, and whatever appeal options he has after that. a pcra, as we call it in pennsylvania. he will be focused, i imagine, on his owneft to release himself or obtain a new trial. >> danny cevalos, thank you. and now, timothy tutturrow, the name of the fair operator criminally charged in this freak accident on a thrill ride at a north carolina state fair. really, the question is, was it
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an accident at all? here he is in stripes, appearing in court moments ago. he's charged with multiple counts of assault with a deadly weapon inflicting severe injury. his attorney has asked for reduced bail to no avail. he'll remain behind bars on $225,000 until his next court date, november 18th. sheriff's deputies say this man tampered with the safety devices on the ride he was working. it's called the vortex. in total, five people were hurt. coming up next, crews on supertankers off africa's coast protecting themselves from pirates. two words. britney spears. what? we'll explain next. it's what you love about her. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet
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want to strike against somali pirates? well, hit them up with a little bit of this. ♪ i must confess i still believe ♪ ♪ still believe ♪ when i'm not with you i lose my mind ♪ ♪ give me a sign ♪ hit me baby one more time >> sorry if this gets stuck in your head the rest of the day. and no, this is not the wrong clip. apparently, of the many labels you can give to the music of britney spears, pirate repellent is one of them. it is all explained in this fascinating article in "time" magazine., joining me now, dan. i read it, i didn't believe it at first. i read it again, reached out to
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some folks. tell me how does this work, please? >> it was hard for us to believe, too. but yes, some uk merchant ships that have to travel off the coast of somalia have started blasting britney spears music to ward off potential pirates. it's usually used as a second line of defense after a written -- after a verbal warning, but it is a real tactic in some of the most effective pirate repellents, according to one of the officers, is baby one more time and oops i did it again. >> listen, a lot of people have different opinions on britney spea spears. i'm a journalist trying to ask this with a straight face, but why britney spears' music? >> a couple reason. it's not that britney spears' music is so bad it repels pirates, but one, and this was from the officer in the article. she is emblematic of western culture, and somali pirates don't like western culture, but the second is a broader one. that's blasting loud noises at
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pirates or potential pirates ruins the element of surprise. >> so this is effective for these british ships, and potentially american ships with their loud-speakers. i don't know what the americans are playing, but this is effective. >> i can't speak to the effectiveness of britney spears as much as i would like to, but basic noise cancelling music or blasting loud decibels have been effective in the past, especially for the pirates who can't travel with huge navy fleets that can't travel to defend themselves. >> thank you very much. and you might know her from dancing with the stars. j julianne hough is also a singer, an actress, but she has people talking for the wrong reasons today. the costume she wore to a halloween party has a lot of people crying foul. we'll show it to you next, get your perspective. you be the judge here. ♪ [ male announcer ] 1.21 gigawatts. today, that's easy.
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i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. julianne hufr, she's a singer, a dancer, a starlet. great taste in clothes. in costume,s not so much. this is hough friday night when she joined friends for a halloweenuting. they were dressed as characters from orange is the new black. hough is supposed to be crazy eyes, the prison wife of the show's main character. here's a clip. >> she held my hand. >> chocolate and vanilla.
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swirls. >> hough darkened her skin, triggered accusations she was in black face, and when you go online, the reaction has been fierce. this is just one tweet. one more thing, julianne hough, use some of that money you earn to get an education. or common sense you obviously lack. bye. that's a quote. the 25-year-old actress has tweeted this apology. she said i'm a huge fan of the show orange is the new black, the actress, and the character she created. it certainly was not my intention to be disrespectful or demining to anyone in any way, i realize my costume hurt and offended many people and i truly apologize. let's talk to this with kelly, mark lamont hill, and amy holmes. welcome to all of you. you in the middle, mark lamont hill, i'm going to begin with you here. technically, this is not black
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face. can don't know if she ran through the spray tan 85 times. clearly, she darkened her face. is this offensive? >> it's definitely offensive. there's an entire tradition of black face that is really -- i mean, at the dawn of american racism. obviously, there's a tradition of people using black face to promote white supremacy, where it's disrespectful. i suspect she didn't think about it too much. a general rule of thumb for a celebrity is just don't wear black face. >> just don't do it. amy, are you outraged? >> you know, i think this whole issue is a colossal waste of time. this young lady, i think she's most famous for dating ryan seacrest. i suspect people will not be talking about this in about 24 hours. no one is going to care. the only thing she has to apologize for is trying to make a remake of footloose. that was a classic. it didn't need to be done. >> too soon, amy.
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kelly, what do you think? >> it was tacky, tasteless, and stupid, but it isn't against the law. in terms of offensiveness, this won't crack my top five for the month, unlike the knuckleheads who did the trayvon martin and george zimmerman costumes. i think this is a misstep bourn out of ignorance, to me, the trayvon martin costume was born out of maliciousness. that i'm much more offended by. >> i'm not even giving them oxygen on this show, that is so ridiculous. >> i think there is a larger point, which is for people to get outraged and worked up, it trivi y trivializes the black issues like black males have a six times greater incarceration rate. those are the things we should talk about, not a girl who danced on "dancing with the stars." >> the amazing thing about black people is we can walk and chew
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gum at the same time. gueye c we can talk about incarceration and unemployment and the issues that lead to some of the other things we're talking about. one thing you have to consider is why she would do this is because she doesn't know. part of what white supremacy allows is for white people to do things that are offensive and say, i didn't know. because they have the extraordinary privilege of not having to know. that's a problem we need to talk about. >> hank on, i don't kneif you know her. are you calling her racist, because it sounds like it's quite possible she had no clue. >> let me be clear, i don't think she's racist. i have only met her a few times, i don't think she's racist at all, but part of the white supremacy isn't about being a foaming at the mouth racist. it's also about having access to certainly experiences which are privileges to others and they don't have to know. >> are you saying black girls
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shouldn't be able to dress up as princess laya? >> say that again? i didn't hear the question. >> are you saying little black girls shouldn't be able to dress up as princess leia. that character was white and little black girls shouldn't wear white costumes? >> no, it's not what i'm saying. she can be crazy eyes from the show, but you can be crazy eyes without putting on black face. this might be shock the world, it might mean there are a few things in the world white people can't do, like wear black face. >> i want to jump in and say this speaks to the larger issue of discussing race in the country, which is we are going to finally have to start distinguishing between racism and racially insensitive because a lot of the stuff, that's where it's coming from, and i would say the real culprit is a statistic that was out from reuters that shows froe s 40% o americans have no black friends. this is what you get when you don't have any friends who don't look like you. you don't say to your friends, is this going to cause a
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controversy when i walk out the door? >> is this ignorance? >> it's totally unfair to say julianne hough has no black friends. that's pure speculation. >> she may have coworkers but in terms of close black friends, i have a hard time any of my friends would walk utin black face. if they are, don't call me if they get in trouble. >> amy would probably say yes, too. >> wow, well, let me -- >> what? >> i'm saying, if you don't find it offensive, i'm not insulting amy. i'm saying there's a diversity of opinion among black people. >> there are black friends and there are people you say are your black friends when you get in trouble. i'm assuming those might be the people she has. >> guys, let's leave it there. we don't know. i don't know her personally. >> those are personal assumptions. >> thank you very much.
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well, that's that. >> does president obama know which world leaders the united states is sfpying on? a former cia agent explains how much the commander in chief knows about these operations. >> plus, scientists describe it as a lost world, and in that world, they found these critters. let's take a look at the pictures. three new species never seen before. believed to be millions of years old. we'll tell you about them next. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. that's why liberty mutual insurance offers accident forgiveness if you qualify, and new car replacement standard with our auto policies. so call liberty mutual today. and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy?
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as more and moraleigations surface about just how far the n certiorari nsa went with its spy, two questions remain. how much did the president know, and two, when did he know it? one report that the nsa was not only tapping the phone of angela merkel since 2010, but that president obama knew exactly what was going on. a separate report says the president did not know the nsa was spying on foreign leaders and put a stop to it as soon as he found out. we may never really know the truth, but president obama said it himself time and time again, that no matter the issue, from
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the economy to spying, ultimately, the buck stops with him. >> ultimately, the buck stops with me. when i'm president, i'm responsible for a whole bunch of stuff that is done. and that's the nature of the game. you know, as harry truman says, the buck stops with you. what i continue is believe is ultimately, the buck stops with me. i'm the president. and the buck stops with me. i am less interested in passing out blame than i am in learning from and correcting these mistakes to make us safer. for ultimately the buck stops with me. >> we are responsible, though. the buck stops with me. >> i won't have my vice president engineering my foreign policy for me. the buck will stop with me because i'll be the president. >> i will be responsible for the vision that this team carries out, so as harry truman says, the buck will stop with me. >> mike baker, i think you're sensing a pattern we were showing there, former cia covert
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operations officer, and he's also the host of america's declassified that airs this weekend. so mike, if you are tapping personal cell phones of world leaders, i'm not talking about terrorists, world leaders, our friends, do you think the president should have to sign off on that? >> i think, a, i think we certainly know where the buck ends at this point. i think, and if you're going to do that, if you're going to say the buck stops with me, then it's incumbent upon you as an intell intelligent, very smart and savvy individual to know what's going on around you because you don't want to get caught by surprise. now, he's expressing surprise over this. and the answer is, the president doesn't know. not just president obama but any president, they don't know the specifics. the day in, the day outs of programs like this. or operations as an example of the cia. but they're aware of, at a 3
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30,000 foot view, they're aware of the programs that exist. they're aware of what we're doing from a strategic point of view, and that's the way it should be. the president should have to understand that. if he is being very sincere and he honestly didn't know that this program existed, then we've got a separate problem. >> so let's say on that problem, let's take the president at his word, that he did not know. do you think -- what kind of repercussions should we see from maybe the administration as a result of this? >> well, you know, again, as with other issues where you express surprise at not knowing that something was happening in your administration, there has to be accountability. and i'm concerned that perhaps the lack of accountability in other areas leads people to believe that it's all right not to advise the president or whomever the president may be at the time of important issues like this. but it's incumbent whether it's the dni or the nsa, it's
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incumbent upon them and they have constant communications about important issues and strategic programs. it's incumbent to keep the president advised. now, one thing that's interesting in all of this is the shock and dismay that's being expressed by our european allies when in fact every country to the resources they have allowable to them, they're all involved in spying on their neighbors and their allies. >> you say expressing shock. do you think it's not that genuine? you think they know exactly what's been going on? >> i think what we're seeing is to some degree a play to the public. there's a quiet understanding that exists around the world, certainly amongst our allies that we're all involved in this business of spying on each other, and there's a sharing also of information that goes on behind the scenes. but the problem is the leaks that have come out from the snowden situation have thrust that quiet understanding out into the spotlight and now what you're getting to some degree is a european politicians playing to the public, and to the public d dismay over this.
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>> mike baker, thank you as always for coming on. a quick update to you, about 15 minutes from now, top of the hour, watch ohow the former vic president dick cheney answers questions about spying. jake tapper asked him everything from the nsa to his health. now to the hottest stories in a flash rapid fire. roll it. >> it's taken a full year, but ellis island is open again do visitors after being inundated by superstorm sandy. more than a million photos and other artifacts that document the arrival of millions of immigrants remain in storage. >> conrad murray is a free man as i speak. he was released from the los angeles county jail this morning after serving two years for causing michael jackson's death. the jury found dr. murray's negligence led to the singer's death from an overdose of propofol. murray's medical licenses were also suspended after his conviction, but he plans to file for reinstatement.
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he wants to practice medicine again. and scientists are calling it the lost world in this remote mountain range in northern australia. pretty incredible discovery. take a look. three new species, sitting in isolation for million of years. a primitive looking gecko, a prehistoric reptile with huge eyes, and then there's this. you're looking at a frog with a behavior never seen before. this little guy, really, guys? somehow they know this about this frog, that he likes to make love in the rain. i'm going to take their word for it. finally, a succinct, unique because of its golden hue. and leaping great lengths from boulder to boulder. he's a rock eer who influens some of music's biggest bands. ♪ onto to the dirty boulevard ♪ take it out >> coming up next, we're talking to a man who spent a lot of time
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with lou reed. we'll ask his former publicist about his most unique memory of the singer next. business: in do more with less with less energy. hp is helping ups do just that. soon, the world's most intelligent servers, designed by hp, will give ups over twice the performance, using forty percent less energy. multiply that across over a thousand locations, and they'll provide the same benefit to the environment as over 60,000 trees. that's a trend we can all get behind. the recent increase in cafeteria prices is not cool. when you vote for flo, we'll have discounts. ice-cream discounts. multi-cookie discounts. pizza loyalty discounts! [ kids chanting "flo!" ] i also have some great ideas on car insurance. [ silence ]
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an oregon school board has voted to allow teachers and scaphto bring guns to school. the board chairman in the sta helen's school district tells that they lifted a previous ban so now anyone with a concealed weapons permit is allowed to carry guns. the board chairman said that staff and teachers and i'm quoting him here, should have the right to protect themselves and their students. the move affects seven schools. he never grew his hair long. didn't wear flowers, didn't sing about peace and love. lou reed, who died yesterday in his native new york, was the darker side. the seedier side of the 1960s.
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♪ waiting by the corner ♪ >> they say it's not rock 'n' roll unless it scares your parents. lou read was rock 'n' roll personified. he sang about sex, he sang about drugs, was known to indulge in both voraciously. he made to the age of 71, and by the time death took him, he was widely regarded as a visionary. ♪ now jackie she's just ♪ >> that is lou reed back in 1984, nearly 20 years after his groundbreaking smash in the legendary band known as the velvet underground. with us now from los angeles, reed's friend and former
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publicist, bill bentley. a pleasure to be talking to you. i'm sorry about the passing of your friend. first question, give me your favorite memory of lou reed. >> my favorite memory of lou, once we were leaving the david letterman show and going west on 51st and he saw this just golden sunset day and he just looked at me and said god, i love this city. you know, all of his art started there in new york. that's sort of what he was known for when the velvet started, was his songs about every side of new york city. i just felt like god, this man really does love new york. >> talk about art. have to talk about andy warhol because lou reed became a protege of sorts for him who managed, publicized the velvet underground. we dug deep in our vault here at cnn. let me let you hear quickly, this is lou reed and andy warhol. >> we're sponsoring a new band called the velvet underground. he wanted to disturb people and shake it up. so did we.
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>> we have a chance to combine -- >> got to say the velvet underground was pretty out there. what exactly was the velvet underground? how would you describe it as an artistic enterprise? >> it was like an early '60s rock and roll band that really tore down all the barriers for what rock could be about. lou had been a pretty serious literature student in college and he felt anything he read in a book or saw in a play, he should be able to write a song about. the great thing about warhol, what he did for him is when he met the velvets, he gave them a legitimate entree into the art world and taught them to never back down and never be afraid of negativity. let people say what they want as long as they talked about you. lou would always say that's what andy taught me. >> interesting that lou reed sort of flew under the radar in the '60s. it seems when you think of the '60s, you think of peace and love and flowers and it seems like his brand of music didn't, i don't know, didn't sell quite
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as well as peace and love did. >> well, you think about radio in the 1960s, it's probably unlikely you will hear a song like "heroin" or "i'm waiting for the man" on the radio. so that was out. they didn't really get to tour that much. they never really found a basis for where they could go around america and play. except for a few cities, they were completely unknown. to this day, they're still very much a cult band. >> bill bentley, thank you so much for stopping by. we appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up next, a man who managed more than $80 billion in tech investments for the government explains what went wrong with the obama care website and why he says the government chose not to go with established companies like google and amazon to help build the site. thine customers!to [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth!
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just in to cnn, parts of the new abortion law in texas are unconstitutional. that's what we're getting from a federal judge today, one day before the law was scheduled to take effect. the judge ruling the regulations would violate the rights of doctors to do what they think is best for patients and also restrict a woman's access to clinics. it's considered among the most restrictive abortion laws in the entire country, so tune in to "the lead." i'm sure jake tapper will have more on this a couple minutes from now. the man who was once in charge of technology for the obama white house is now a heavyweight in silicon valley and is weighing in on the plagued obama care website. he faults the government, saying they built the website with a 1960s architecture. >> this is a case where decisions were made to actually implement and custom build everything rather than saying you know, who does this best on the planet, whether it's
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companies like amazon or google that can scale with billions of users and unfortunately, what the status quo favors is people who have a ph.d. in how the procurement process works rather than innovation. >> no internet in the '60s but you get what we're seeing. the most recent glitch on the obama care website has been resolved. we're told the application and enrollment tools are back up and running but the system did crash sunday when a data center operated by a verizon subsidiary shut down, leaving consumers unable to apply online for coverage or determine their eligibility for federal subsidies. this outage is just the latest to hit the troubled site since its disappointing debut on october 1st. some users have been unable to create accounts or even sign up for coverage. while so much of the talk surrounding the obama care rollout really has been focused on all these problems with this website, americans are being hit with an even more serious realization and that's this.
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this is key. a lack of young people could cause problems down the line for the system as a whole. let's talk about this with our senior medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen. that's the key part as this will affect people way, way in the future here. so how are people going -- are young people signing on? are they making the effort to do this? >> the administration won't tell us how many people are signing up and they certainly aren't giving us numbers, but among experts i talked to, there's a real concern and here's why. this is a really tough site to get through. i know, i spent the past month on it. and if you're sick and you really need insurance, you might be willing to take that time and motivated to take that time. i talked to one woman who is very sick, five hours a day -- >> she spends? >> yes. it took her two weeks, five hours a day. >> wow. >> to make this work. if you are healthy -- >> they don't have the incentive. >> right. so you might say you know what, forget it. i'm just going to pay the fine. the fine is less than what insurance would cost me. it's not illegal.
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paying the fine is a perfectly fine thing to do. they might just make that decision. >> but spell it out for everyone why the so-called invincibles, the young healthy folks, are so key to making this whole thing work as a whole. >> right. if you have an insurance pool of just sick people, you're in trouble. it could lead to what experts call a death spiral so people put in their premiums but then use lots of services because they're sick, it doesn't work. it's mathematically not going to come out. you need healthy people who are paying premiums, not using so many services. the obama administration said look, we knew young healthy people would be among the last to sign up. they would wait to the last minute. they did in massachusetts, that's just what they do. but the concern is that if young people have it in their head what a glitchy website this is, they may not even do it at the last minute. they may just say forget it, i don't want to deal with this mess and pay the fine. >> just quickly, the deadline is when? some people are asking for it to be extended but so far? >> if you want coverage january 1st, then it's december 15th. that's an issue for a lot of people. lot of people, their policies are up but if you don't want to
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get in legal trouble, you have until march. for a lot of people, that december 15th date is really important. >> coming quickly. thank you. and thank you so much for watching. see you back here tomorrow. let's go to washington. "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. does former vice president dick cheney know more about what's going on at the nsa than president obama? i'm jake tapper. this is "the lead." >> nobody asked that question before. the national lead. my sit-down with dick cheney, from torture to the debt to what heaven might look like and what about reports that the u.s. started eavesdropping on allies during the bush/cheney administration? i'll ask the former veep why spy on our friends? plus -- >> i really believe the republican party is in trouble. >> the politics lead. cheney refusing to shy away from the problems ailing his beloved gop but there is one up and coming senate candidate who has his unwavering support. hisau